Mumbai | After raid on a cruise ship off Mumbai coast, NCB’s Sameer Wankhede had said that 8-10 people were detained. But the truth is that 11 people were detained. Later, 3 people-Rishabh Sachdeva, Prateek Gaba&Amir Furniturewala were released:Maharashtra min & NCP’s Nawab Malik
Mumbai | After raid on a cruise ship off Mumbai coast, NCB's Sameer Wankhede had said that 8-10 people were detained. But the truth is that 11 people were detained. Later, 3 people-Rishabh Sachdeva, Prateek Gaba&Amir Furniturewala were released:Maharashtra min & NCP's Nawab Malik
— ANI (@ANI) October 9, 2021